I haven’t walked far when I see a mother and daughter standing silently, hands held out filled with sunflower seeds. A downy woodpecker swoops down, followed by a chickadee, then another, seemingly oblivious to the humans who gather. Walking slowly and silently around them I see a sand hill crane strutting in the grass and hear a little girl ask, “Where are the babies?” “Nearby”, responds her mother. “The mother never lets her babies get far.” I hope that is true and predators have not harmed them. Soon we spots them tagging along in the tall grass. “See?” Mom says. I breathe a sigh of relief and watch the little crane family out for a stroll. Even the spoken words are bathed in woodland quiet.

I listen to the silent sounds of rustling leaves. A small rustle in the grass suggests a mouse, or perhaps a chipmunk scurrying about her business.
The sound of firearms intrudes on my quiet space. I’m suddenly aware of gunshots coming from the nearby State Park where there is a firing range. I heard that turkeys are In Season now. I cringe with each shot. Kill! Kill! Kill the silence! I breathe deeply… listen as peace confronts noise. In time, quiet overcomes noise. Again I learn I can choose what to let into my space. Today it is the silent sounds of the woodlands. I return to my center. I listen to birdsong and the rustling of chipmunks and squirrels, the soft voices of children learning of the wonders of nature from parents and grandparents. I feel gentle breezes touch my face. The woodland holds secrets—secrets beyond words.
I invite you to take a walk in the woods…listen to the silence and learn.