I walk in the early morning, the air, cool, refreshing
following the 100 degree heat. Birds
sing quietly. White clouds float lazily
in the blue sky. I meet no one. All is still. A gentle breeze blows, caresses me, enters my soul.
Back home,
I check the morning news while drinking my morning tea…
Aurora, Colorado 14 dead in massacre at a theater Dark Knight
I turn off the TV,
pray for the inured, the dead, the shooter…for all those who love and
those who hate that they may find love to soften their hearts. I pick up Thirst by Mary Oliver and
It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it
could be
weeds in a vacant
lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then
a few words together
and don’t try
to make them
elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but the
into thanks, and a
silence in which
another voice may
Another voice reminds me of beauty. In the midst of chaos, of suffering, God
helps me pay attention not only to the dark shadows, but also the beauty of