My mind is a free-floating sieve. Thoughts visit,
but none stay for long,
Moving on
waves and rapids—floating slowly,
disappearing unexpectedly into a
always moving.
Moving away from a flash of insight
seemingly important at the moment,
but escaped before I could write it
down or
properly note it—make it stay put
so I could examine it.
Hit and run.
Tease, just tease.
A bit of a poem possibility—gone
before I can nab it and work
before the snippet I caught on the
fly settled into a formed thought.
Perhaps the detritus that catches
in the sieve of my mind
is the debris I’ve been hanging on to for much
too long—
past pain, past anger, past
injustices—my own and others.
Let it go. Let it flow through the open pores of the
sieve to join the river.
Don’t let it stagnate polluting the
life around it.
Let it merge its song into the
flowing stream of living water.
Let it dance in its eddies, rest in
its still pools.
Let it ride the laughing rapids,
joining the songs of the ages
riding the river of life.