Friday, August 19, 2016


Witness the unraveling world.
A loose end begins to unwind,
Unnoticed at first, it picks up speed.

Some applaud and cheer
Some laugh nervously
Some hide behind ridicule and disbelief.
Some shut their ears, close their eyes,
go on about their lives as the world unravels
one day at a time.

If the drink is bitter, Rilke says,
Turn yourself into wine.

Gathering speed, continuing to unravel, the world turns.

Those who love the world are able to see and hold
            hate and fear,
            war and killing,
            oil spills,
            destructive winds,
            floods and fires.
They turn it over and discover the sweetness.

It is okay not to be brimming with hope.
Those who have learned to dwell with grief turn it over.
The world needs those who are present for the healing:
            who don’t run away.
            who are awed by sunsets and sunrises,
            who embrace gentle wind and rain,
            who see beauty in the music of diversity,
            in the creativity of the homeless, the lonely, the ones not like us. 

 Those who love the world discover
The Great Turning:
            new ways of living with the unraveling,
            new ways of caring for neighbors near and far,
            new ways of caring for the land,
            new ways of sharing wealth,
            new ways of loving.

Rilke asks,
Is not impermanence the fragrance of our days?

Thank you to Krista Tippitt and Joanna Macy whose interview last Sunday on NPR's ON BEING inspired this writing.