Friday, February 24, 2017




She walked the narrow path
head down
her feet bearing the weight
of a world gone wrong.

Grayness flooded her world,
masking beauty,
blurring colors, shapes,
even sounds of life.

If she had looked up
she would have seen
white clouds changing faces
and forms in the blue sky,
birds that sang merrily from treetops.

She barely noticed the crane family
that kept pace alongside her
so great was her grief—her fear.

Walking toward her on the narrow path
glistening white in the spring sun,
a vision to challenge her reality
caused her to look up

Namaste, he said quietly
As he bowed to her
His smile was warm

Was he real?  Was he imagined?
Who was he?  Who was she?

Namaste, she replied shyly
bowing slightly.

When she looked up
the world had changed.
She turned around, watched
the retreating figure fade.

The heart prays, she thought,
Lovers meet,
Sun shines,
Birds sing.
The world turns.


Nothing had changed,
Everything had changed.
The weight of a world gone wrong
no longer shrouded her in shades of gray
No longer blurred the colors.

The bright blue sky
The dancing clouds
Singing blue birds,
Friendly, silly cranes,
Smiling, happy families
This was the world
she longed to embrace.

Both existed.
Gloom would not heal the world
Nor would a smile.  However,
a smile and a kind word
healed her heart that day.

Namaste brought her love
Returned her to her better Self.
She could do as much for others.
Would she?

·         *Namaste, loosely translated means, The good in me greets the good in you.  It honors the divine that resides in each of us.  

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